August 29, 2015.Newly appointed Commerce Minister Apiradi Tantraporn has vowed to tackle trade obstacles to private enterprise, stimulating border trade and faltering exports. Outlining her policies yesterday the Minster Tantraporn would focus on: Reducing people’s cost of living, product prices and developing local economies. She would also setup a special task force to work with other ministries to tackle farm prices and boost exports.

She would further develop geographical indication (GI) registration for Thai products and promote their exports. An example cited was Doi Chang and Doi Tung – Thai coffee varieties cultivated in the hill and mountain region of Chiang Rai in Northern Thailand which recently were awarded GI status from the European Union, joining Thailand’s first GI Khao Hom Mali Thung Kula Rong Hai variety of jasmine rice, which received the protected status in March 2013.

Additionally, the Commerce Ministry would work to promote the service sector, which covers films/film-making, fashion, lifestyule, health & beauty, logistics, retail and franchising.

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